Xbox Game Studios: Every studio could do something in June
Could the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase become a real firework of game announcements and new trailers for first party games in June?
For June 12, a showcase was recently announced, in which one wants to show "Fantastic titles from the Xbox Game Studios, Bethesda and its partners around the world".
Fans of almost everyone of the 23 Xbox Game Studios at the moment may get something to see.
Because the industry expert and content creator Rand Al Thor 19 told in the podcast of Fun Speculation of a rumor that almost each of the Xbox Game Studios submitted something for the showcase in June.
Some studios are said to have submitted several things.
As always, it remains to be seen whether these are new trailers and gameplay videos on already unveiled games or brand new announcements for projects that are only known through a code name.
What is certain, however, is that Microsoft will put a thick package for the Xbox platform and show why the Xbox is the best choice for players.
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