New PS5 blockbuster could be revived Star Trek again
There is a star trek game that you may have not heard. Star Trek: Resurgence is intended to become a singleplayer blockbuster from the Telltale veterans, with a lot of diplomacy, decisions and a new graphic engine. In addition, the game should appear soon - and the trailer is damn promising.
The first previews Star Trek: RESURGENCE are just worked up and the hope is great: a star trek game in which you are primarily Diplomatic decisions explores your starfleet ship, alien planets visited and mysterious phenomena go on the ground . The ambitions behind Star Trek: Resurgence meet exactly in the heart of those fans who have loved the old star trek series. While nobody can tell if the promises can be met - but the first looks into the game are consistently positive.
Star Trek fans should keep in mind resurgence
It's about it: Shortly after the events in Star Trek: The Next Generation lands on the USS Resolute; A starfleet ship, which soon will reveal a dark secret of two civilizations. It takes alternately the roles of the first officer Jara Rydek and the Engineurfänrichs Carter Diaz. However, well-known faces will also appear - about Ambassador Spock. Star Trek: Resurgence is supposed to be a action-based singleplayer adventure .
There are many reasons for the Sci-Fi game: especially the Studio Bruner House LLC, which was founded by a Telltale veteran and many former Telltale developers became the new home. Because there is one that Telltale has proven without any question in all his games: Telltale could tell well stories and knew with the integration of gambling decisions.
What Star Trek: Resurgence promises, many Ingame talks and decisions that will meet your meetings. However, the single player adventure is not split like Telltale games in chapters - it should appear a whole game instead, in which you will also have a lot of freedom of movement . In general, the developers seem to deviate from the old (and somewhat blackout) Telltale concept: they should be able to explore parts of the USS Resolute and foreign planets and there will also be action elements.
Expected Star Trek: Resurgence in the spring 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S appear. There is no release date, which is why in the coming months with more information about the game expect.
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