Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: What does Blank Slate do and how to get it

Tea Blank blackboard in the wonders country of Tiny Tina has confused a large part of the community since the launch of the game, largely due to its strange description in the game. In this guide, we will explain exactly what she does, the text of 1500 clicks and how she can have it in her hands.

What does Blank Slate do in Tiny Tina's Wonderland?

It depends on what the actual text of the RASA table says. Ignore the red text, since this is just a taste text that we will see a little later.

Image credit: U / Guggelhupf88

Some players have obtained it with an XP benefit of 10%, while others have simply obtained the blank blackboard, where it grants an ambivalence benefit from nearby friendly receptive NPCs.

Ultimately, what makes the Class Blank Slate Mod is ultimately reduced to whatever you mention that _NO is in red text in the description of the item.

Explanation of the red text of '1500 clicks'

The red text is essentially only flavor text, but the note "requires at least 1500 clicks" has actually confused some players.

This does not require that you click on it 1500 times as you could have initially thought. Instead, this is just a reference to Path of Exile, a game known for its serious work and an incredible amount of content to catch up if it stops playing for a few months or years, as this Reddit thread stands out.

In particular, in that REDDIT thread, it will also notice 'Krangled' in red text at the end, which basically became a meme within the community.

This is another reference more than you will find in the Blank Slate class mod in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

Get blank blackboard

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Wish I Knew Sooner | Tips, Tricks, & Game Knowledge for New Players

Blank Slate can be achieved in the same way you will get any other legendary boot on Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Defeat bosses, cultivate dungeons and camp camps in the outside world, assume the final activity of the game Chaos Chamber and, in general, simply play the game.

Remember, you can also increase your "Luck of Botín" collecting the dice of luck along the game.

Keep in mind, however, that Blank Slate is not an incredible element that necessing have. It is largely just a small and fun element of meme with some pretty decent benefits to start, depending on your roll.

That's all you need to know about the blank blackboard mod in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands . To get more tips and tricks about the game, see the guidelines listed below.

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