Pokémon Go: DataMiner finally find legendary mega

MEGA LATIOS & LATIAS COMING TO POKÉMON GO! The whole theme Mega-Pokémon in Pokémon Go somehow never lifted properly. Were the first mega monsters of their kind in Niantics AR pocket monster collectApp even exciting and cool - mega-bisaflor , mega-glorak y , mega-glurak x and mega- Turtok -, the Feature Mega-Pokémon sank soon in insignificance. The fans just had no interest.

For the coaches who were interested in the Mega evolutions, they were too laborious to trigger and even Via Fern-Raid-Pass were barely fellow players for interesting MON like Mega-Gengar or Mega-Hundemon . And for the casual players, the mega-mon from the point were uninteresting, from which the mega-pokémon were more difficult to combat, as animal-5-raid bosses. And then there were sometime too many, uninteresting Mega-Pokémon. Who is interested for Mega-Schlapor ?! But the desinters of the Mega-Pokémon could now swind...

Legendary Mega-Pokémon found!

Pokeminers datiners have found new assets for Mega-Pokémon in the current version of Pokémon Go. New in the collection of the Mega-MON are three entries. The first concerns Mega-Kangama (third row right). That's not so superinterest now, right? But look in the last two rows left and right.

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There you can see graphic assets for mega-latios and mega-latas! That would then be the first legendary pocket monsters in Pokémon Go, which would get a mega development missed - and thus digitally digitized (UPS, sorry).

When it is possible, we can not estimate that yet. Less well in March 2022. Because although from 22 March 2022 a not yet named Pokémon in the animal-5-raids, but it is all the probability of Hapu Fala **. The mega raids are fully booked until 5 April 2022; Still with Mega-Schlapor and Mega-Glurak Y.

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