Japanese language correspondence notation is added to the Sengoku and open world survival Sengoku Dynasty Steam store page

Split Productions has added Japanese-language support notation on the Steam store page of the open world survival game Senior Dynasty developed by Superman.

(Live2D) Nodoka (Onsen) L2D Memorial Lobby Translation [Blue Archive]

This work is the latest work of the Dynasty series that the same Publisher, such as Medieval Dynasty. On the stage of the warrant period that was roughly randomized by the war and hunger, the protagonist farmers seek the land of Enzo and go to the legendary farmers country and create a community. In addition to the story mode, we also support sandboxes that can enjoy free play, and also cooperative play.

This work is to pour a lot of power in research under Japanese history expert cooperation in development. In the initial store page, there was no Japanese-language notation, but this time, it was revealed that it corresponds to the interface and subtitles as well as Medieval dynasty which is a sister work.

Senior Dynasty, which can enjoy Japan, who has been focused on the university library in Tokyo, is scheduled to be delivered for 2022 for PC (STEAM).
